Ostional Wildlife Refuge

On the tranquil Pacific coast of Costa Rica lies Ostional beach, a wildlife refuge hosting one of the world’s most impressive natural phenomena. This natural sanctuary is home to Olive Ridley turtles and occasionally hawksbill turtles. They choose this beach to nest in large numbers. The arribadas, where thousands of turtles arrive simultaneously to lay their eggs, offer visitors a unique experience to connect with the majesty of nature.

Ostional Wildlife Refuge

Arribadas of Sea Turtles

Olive Ridley turtles and hawksbill turtles choose Playa Ostional to nest in large numbers. This unique experience allows us to marvel at these ancient sea creatures. The highlight of this beach is the arribadas, where thousands of turtles arrive simultaneously to nest. Despite challenges like egg predation, the turtle population is increasing thanks to conservation efforts.

Best Time to Visit Playa Ostional

While turtles nest throughout the year, massive arribadas occur during the rainy season, between August and December. These events last up to a week, providing a unique opportunity to witness nature’s majesty.

Guanavista and the Ostional Wildlife Refuge

Guanavista is a luxurious beachfront community spanning 76 acres in Ostional Beach, Costa Rica. Our vision is to create an environmentally conscious community, with mixed-use condominium permits that will allow us to preserve more green spaces by creating smaller lots. At Guanavista, we are excited to share with you this unique sanctuary and its fascinating inhabitants. To ensure we have the least possible impact on the local wildlife sanctuary, we have established strategic alliances with biologists and sustainable building companies. These partnerships enable us to integrate cutting-edge sustainable practices and expert ecological insights into every aspect of our development, ensuring that Guanavista not only provides a stunning residential environment but also actively contributes to the conservation of the area’s natural beauty and biodiversity.

Importance of the Ostional Wildlife Refuge

The Ostional Wildlife Refuge plays a vital role in the conservation of Costa Rica’s marine and coastal biodiversity. This sanctuary protects not only sea turtles during their arribadas but also a variety of flora and fauna species that depend on the coastal ecosystem. The regulation and conservation of turtle egg collection have been instrumental in the increase of the turtle population in the region. Additionally, the refuge provides a unique opportunity for scientific research and environmental education, promoting awareness and protection of this valuable marine ecosystem. At Guanavista, we are committed to preserving this natural treasure and are proud to be part of this environmentally conscious community.

Ostional Wildlife Refuge

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