- Lot Price: $847,125
- Lot size: 3765m2
- Category: Both Jungle and Ocean View
- Price per m2: $212
- Phase: Phase 1
- Type: Northern Lot
- Status: Open
Lot 2 offers convenient access to the beach, clubhouse, and nature trails, making it a highly sought-after lot within Phase 1. Its generous size and easily buildable topography further enhance its desirability. From the second floor of a future construction there is an ocean view to North Ostional. Notably, this view has the potential to improve even further as the land undergoes reforestation efforts, adding to the scenic charm of the lot. This is one of the premium lots in Phase one due to its size, location and position.
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Site Analysis
- Site Analysis: https://guanavista.com/site-analysis-listings/