- Lot Price: $888,750
- Lot size: 2651
- Category: Premium Ocean View
- Price per m2: $335
- Phase: Phase 1
- Type: Premium Ocean
- Status: Open
Resembling its esteemed counterpart, Lot 12, Lot 10 boasts a generous expanse of land with highly favorable topography, rendering it ideal for seamless construction. However, what truly sets this lot apart is its awe-inspiring ocean view that spans across the remarkable South Ostional Beach. Enjoying quick access to our amenities, including the clubhouse, beach access, and nature trails, Lot 10 proudly takes its place among the premium lots of Phase 1. As an added convenience, our team of skilled architects have meticulously crafted a thoughtfully designed 4-5 bedroom house specifically tailored for this remarkable lot, which is available at purchase. This visionary design harnesses the power of Geo Data Analysis, incorporating vital solar data, wind patterns, and seasonal climate temperature to ensure an optimal living experience that seamlessly integrates with the natural surroundings.
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Site Analysis
- Site Analysis: https://guanavista.com/site-analysis-listings/