- Lot Price: $514,000
- Lot size: 1290
- Category: Both Jungle and Ocean View
- Price per m2: $398
- Phase: Phase 1
- Type: Northern Lot
- Status: Sold
Lot 6 is located on the South Ridge next to the old Ferrari Mansion. It has great airflow being roughly 250 meters from the beach. The lot currently features Ocean Views to the South of Ostional. We expect it to open up even more once we start our reforestation. Towards the bottom of the lot you'll discover easy access to our beautiful nature trails which connect the community and its common areas. It is one of the closest lots to our charming small waterfalls found inside these trails. Quick access to the clubhouse and beach further adds to the allure of the property. What truly sets this lot apart is its playful topography, as the base slopes towards the trails, presenting a captivating opportunity for a truly special architectural design. Moreover, the Southern boundary of the lot adjoins a reserve, further enhancing its privacy and desirability.
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Site Analysis
- Site Analysis: https://guanavista.com/site-analysis-listings/